Rainbow House Food Pantry
4th Tuesday from 9am – Noon
To help people in the four county area surrounding Frankston during difficult times, our Mission Team distributes food once a month through the Rainbow House Food Pantry. Rainbow House is open on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to serve qualifying people who need help with providing food for their families.
A limited supply of jeans, coats and blankets is also distributed.
School supplies and Christmas gifts are distributed seasonally.
If you are in need, please come to our Family Life Center at the designated day and time. If circumstances are desperate in the meantime, you may contact our Church office for other options.
Funds for all activities have been donated, and financial contributions from the Church have not been necessary. Donations and memorials are appreciated to continue the good works of the Mission Team.
Frankston Methodist Church
What to Expect
We seek to honor our Lord Jesus Christ through the study of His word given to us in the Holy Bible. Our various Sunday School classes and our worship services include reading of the scriptures and focusing on ways to apply them to our daily lives. Our worship services also include singing and praying, as well as communion on the first Sunday of each month.

Where to Go
Sunday School
Classes are held in the main building. Once inside, any member will be glad to direct you to a class fitting your needs.
Worship Service
The main entrance is up the brick stairs on the Weldon Street side of the building.
Childcare is available for children up to kindergarten age during Sunday school and worship services. Parents are given a pager to alert them if they are needed.
The safety of all children is of utmost importance at our facilities. Each person who works with people under the age of 18 is Safe Sanctuary Certified. This means that our nursery workers and teachers have been background checked. Cameras are also in use at our facilities.
Sunday School
Click HERE for current Sunday school class and youth group meeting times.

The choir is accompanied by piano or organ music and leads the congregation in both favorite hymns and contemporary praise songs. Special music is occasionally performed by congregation members. Click HERE for more info on our choir.
What to Wear
You’ll see shorts and flip flops, jeans and button downs, slacks and dresses and some suit coats. Come dressed the way you feel comfortable. We never want attire to be a barrier holding someone back from visiting. We care about you, not your clothes.
Is a monetary offering expected?
During the service, ushers will collect an offering. This offering helps support the church. If you are a guest, you should not feel obligated to give, but you're welcome to do so. The offering time is for members and those who consider Frankston Methodist their church home.
How long is the worship service?
Worship usually lasts about one hour. During special services, worship time may be shorter or longer.