Rainbow House Food Pantry
4th Tuesday from 9am – Noon
To help people in the four county area surrounding Frankston during difficult times, our Mission Team distributes food once a month through the Rainbow House Food Pantry. Rainbow House is open on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to serve qualifying people who need help with providing food for their families.
A limited supply of jeans, coats and blankets is also distributed.
School supplies and Christmas gifts are distributed seasonally.
If you are in need, please come to our Family Life Center at the designated day and time. If circumstances are desperate in the meantime, you may contact our Church office for other options.
Funds for all activities have been donated, and financial contributions from the Church have not been necessary. Donations and memorials are appreciated to continue the good works of the Mission Team.
Frankston Methodist Church
Facilities for Rent
Fellowship Hall
Area between Fellowship Hall and Main Building Kitchen
Main Building Kitchen
Whether it's our Family Life Center, our Sanctuary, our Fellowship Hall or any of our classrooms / meeting rooms, we can provide the ideal areas for weddings, banquets, family reunions and more.
Rental Rates*
FMC Members
Fellowship Hall
$75 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$50 rental fee
$25 for kitchen use
Family Life Center
Entry, gym, restrooms, dinette, kitchen
$150 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$250 rental fee/day
$25/hr – 3 hr. minimum, 8hr. maximum per day. Must be out by 10pm
No overnight rental
$75 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$100 rental fee for services of worship only
Wedding Fee Church facilities, downstairs only – fellowship hall not included
$150 janitorial deposit (refundable) $200 rental fee (for rehearsal & ceremony)
$25 janitorial deposit (refundable)
No rental fee
Fellowship Hall
$125 janitorial & security deposit (refundable)
$150 rental fee/day
Family Life Center
Entry, gym, restrooms, dinette only (kitchen not available)
$275 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$350 rental fee/day
$50/hr – 3 hr. minimum, 8hr. maximum per day. Must be out by 10pm
No overnight rental
$125 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$125 rental fee for services of worship only
Wedding Fee Church facilities, downstairs only – fellowship hall not included
$250 janitorial deposit (refundable) $300 rental fee (for rehearsal & ceremony)
Funeral Fee
$300 rental fee
$50 janitorial deposit (refundable)
$50 rental fee/8 hr.
The Family Life Center may be used for more than 100 people.
The kitchen at the Family Life Center is available for use ONLY by members of
Frankston Methodist Church. If food is to be served by non-church members, it is to be catered and cleaned up without access to the kitchen. The dining area includes a sink.
Tables & Chairs are included with the rental of any area. They are not to be moved from one area to another or taken from either building.
*Rental hours include set up time.
**Per Classroom
All fees are subject to change by the Frankston Methodist Church.
The fee for the use of the facility will be paid to Frankston Methodist Church. A refundable security deposit must be paid when the event is confirmed. Balance fees are due one week prior to the date of the event.
Main Building Kitchen
Family Life Center Dinette - tables & chairs available
Family Life Center Dinette
Family Life Center Gym
Family Life Center Classroom