Rainbow House Food Pantry
4th Tuesday from 9am – Noon
To help people in the four county area surrounding Frankston during difficult times, our Mission Team distributes food once a month through the Rainbow House Food Pantry. Rainbow House is open on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to serve qualifying people who need help with providing food for their families.
A limited supply of jeans, coats and blankets is also distributed.
School supplies and Christmas gifts are distributed seasonally.
If you are in need, please come to our Family Life Center at the designated day and time. If circumstances are desperate in the meantime, you may contact our Church office for other options.
Funds for all activities have been donated, and financial contributions from the Church have not been necessary. Donations and memorials are appreciated to continue the good works of the Mission Team.
Frankston Methodist Church
Fitness Center Policies & Procedures
Members and Their Immediate Family
Every member of Frankston Methodist Church is eligible for participation in the use of the Fitness Center in the Family Life Center.
Usage privileges are secured upon filling out a registration card and arranging for payment of the usage fee. When an individual ceases to pay one’s usage fee, he or she forfeits his or her use of the Fitness Center.
Guests of Participating FMC Members
A member may bring no more than 2 guests at any one time unless approved by the FLC Director.
The guest must register in and out at the FLC counter. FMC members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Guests are not charged for initial visit. Subsequent visits will require a $5 fee per visit.
General Rules
The Family Life Center is a part of the overall ministry of Frankston Methodist Church and those exercising should conduct themselves accordingly. No activities will be allowed in the Fitness Center that are contrary to established church policy. The Fitness Center is under the direction of the FLC Director and his or her staff and the FLC volunteers on duty.
No children younger than 12 years of age will be allowed in the Fitness Center. Children aged 12 yrs. – 8th grade must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the Fitness Center. Children 9th – 12th grade must also be accompanied by an adult UNLESS they have been through a training program provided by the church on the proper use of the equipment in the Fitness Center.
Members and guests must register in and out at the FLC office each time they are using the FLC facilities.
Appropriate exercise attire is required. Shoes, shorts (or leotards), socks & shirts must be worn by everyone at all times.
No food or drinks will be allowed in the Fitness Center. No misconduct will be tolerated.
All persons should have a physical before beginning an exercise program or using the Fitness Center equipment.
Each member or guest assumes all risk and responsibility in one’s exercise and accepts all equipment for use as is, with all defects. Each member or guest will inspect any equipment used and if accepted, agrees that it is in good repair.
Individuals must provide their own towels.
All fees are intended to offset costs and help eliminate a strain on the church budget. See fees on Fitness Center page.
No credit can be extended. No checks can be cashed.
Membership dues are not pro-rated.
Fees are not refundable.
All fees are to be paid in cash or by check at the Family Life Center office.
Facilities Rental Policies & Procedures
The policies and procedures listed below are based upon the understanding that the Church facilities are to be used in accordance with the mission of Frankston Methodist Church. These guidelines are intended to help the congregation be good stewards of our property while fulfilling our responsibility to proclaim the Word of God and build disciples. These policies and procedures are to be followed by Church members and nonmembers, alike. All policies and procedures apply to all, unless specifically identified below.
Primary Use
The use of Church facilities is primarily for organizations of Frankston Methodist Church, such as worship services, Sunday school classes, and Church-related small groups. When the facilities are not in use for these purposes, the congregation is glad to rent them for other purposes.
Family Life Center
The Family Life Center consists of the following areas: gym; dinette; and classrooms. When an area has been reserved for use, it is understood that the other areas will not be disturbed. The kitchen and youth recreation room may be used only by church members.
Main Church Building
The main Church building consists of the following areas: fellowship hall; classrooms; nursery; kitchen; and sanctuary. When one or another area has been reserved for use, it is understood that the other areas will not be disturbed. Church staff offices are off limits at all times.
Requesting the Use of Facilities
All requests for use of a Church facility shall be made at least one month in advance through the church office and scheduled on the office calendar. The request must be made and approved by the staff before confirmation is given. The Church reserves the right to assign a facility.
Church-related activities/business meetings must submit a Calendar Request form completed by the Chairman of the event. This form is available at the church office.
Outside groups and Church members/groups holding non-Church related events must complete the Application for Use of Church Facilities by Outside Groups form AND a completed Calendar Request form (both available in the church office.)
Use fees and janitorial and security deposits will be charged for facilities rented by Outside groups.
Groups, which have been granted approval by the Facilities Management Committee, may make regular use of a facility unless there is a conflict with a group within the Church needing the facility at the same time. The need of the Church-related activity shall take precedence over the need of an outside group. No events will be scheduled on Wednesday nights or Sundays.
Reduced Rate Uses
The Facilities Management Committee may approve certain groups to use the facilities at a reduced rate. ​An adult member of Frankston Methodist Church will monitor the use of the facility. Select community projects may be scheduled at a reduced rate on a first-come-first-served basis. Examples: blood drive, CPR course, etc. Generally, the facilities shall not be rented to any community group for any non-charitable fund-raising type activity.
Arrangements for heating and air conditioning must be scheduled through the church office at the time of the facility use request. Heating and air-conditioning will be set on a timer.
Groups needing special setup of tables, chairs, and equipment need to make arrangements for such at time of reservation. Assistance in setting up and rearranging may be available, if requested ahead of time; however, there may be a charge for this service.
Use of the sound system in the Family Life Center and sanctuary by an outside group will require hiring a sound technician approved by Frankston Methodist Church for the event. Church members will be required to have approved training of the equipment before use. Church members should contact the church office to schedule training.
All equipment belonging to Frankston Methodist Church is to remain on the Church premises – tables, chairs, visual aids, kitchen equipment, etc. Exceptions to this rule may be made for retreats, mission trips, etc. with approval granted by the staff.
All groups are expected to leave the premises in an orderly, clean fashion after all events. Return tables and chairs to the location they were found. Each group shall assume responsibility for locking all doors and turning off all lights.
​Each group sponsoring a program or function will assume responsibility for the acceptability of the program for presentation. In keeping with the mission and goal of Frankston Methodist Church, we will not permit those things which will be spiritually harmful to the participants or desecrate the house of the Lord, or will reflect unfavorably on the Church.
Food / Drinks
No food or drink should be taken into the Church sanctuary.
Alcoholic beverages will not be used on Church premises, including Fellowship Park adjacent to the FLC, parking lots and streets surrounding the Church.
No use of tobacco products of any kind will be allowed in any Church building.
​No food or drink shall be allowed in the Fitness Center or Library. Food and drink are allowed in the gym for special events involving meals, receptions, etc.
FMC - Methodist Church of Frankston