Rainbow House Food Pantry
4th Tuesday from 9am – Noon
To help people in the four county area surrounding Frankston during difficult times, our Mission Team distributes food once a month through the Rainbow House Food Pantry. Rainbow House is open on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to serve qualifying people who need help with providing food for their families.
A limited supply of jeans, coats and blankets is also distributed.
School supplies and Christmas gifts are distributed seasonally.
If you are in need, please come to our Family Life Center at the designated day and time. If circumstances are desperate in the meantime, you may contact our Church office for other options.
Funds for all activities have been donated, and financial contributions from the Church have not been necessary. Donations and memorials are appreciated to continue the good works of the Mission Team.
Frankston Methodist Church
Led by the Holy Spirit since
Our church is figuratively built on the shoulders of generations of families who have gone before us proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though the church has been housed in different buildings, the Holy Spirit has led Methodist services in Frankston since 1901. At that time, union services with Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians participating were held in the Apostolic Church in the building which presently houses Pandora’s Box.
A Methodist church building was begun in 1908, on our present site, and was completed in 1909. Rev. I.J. Powers was the first pastor.
With the coming of the railroad, several businesses from the nearby community of Kickapoo moved to Frankston, and in 1909, the membership of the Kickapoo Methodist Church came to join the local congregation. At that time the pastor resided in LaRue and conducted services once a month, which soon became twice a month. In 1917, the church began holding weekly Sunday services. That same year, the church purchased land for its first parsonage.
In 1929-30, the original frame church was replaced by a new brick structure. In spite of the Great Depression and its hardships, the loan for the new building was paid off in 1941 and a dedicatory service was held on April 27 of that year.
Disaster struck on July 19, 1946, when the church building was destroyed by fire. Within hours, church officers met with the District Superintendent to make plans for a new building. On March 14, 1947, Bishop A. Frank Smith officiated at the cornerstone laying ceremony on the original site. Just prior to the fire, the old parsonage was sold and a new location was selected for the replacement. In spite of the setback caused by the fire, a new seven-room parsonage was constructed there. With the congregation thinking about future needs, a west wing for the church building was already in the long-range planning stages.
Construction on the west wing was actually begun in November 1957 with a special groundbreaking service. On Feb. 7, 1958, an appreciation banquet was held to christen the new Sallie Austin Fellowship Hall.
Our present parsonage, located on Reagan Street, was constructed in 1978.
Our church got a dramatic facelift in 1982, when it was remodeled and enlarged. The cupolas and steeple were replaced by the dignified and understated elegance of our present physical building. The tireless and selfless devotion of church members for over 100 years is commemorated in the various dedications of windows, pews, pulpit, baptismal font, and other accoutrements that grace our beautiful sanctuary and other areas within the church. These members are too numerous to list in this summary, but they have served the church and community well, in the name of Jesus Christ, and God knows their names.
In August 2002, the Family Life Center was consecrated. This was the culmination of many years of talking and planning. The FLC has increased the church’s outreach and service in the community and represents a century of growth, progress and fulfillment for the United Methodist Church of Frankston.
On Nov. 9, 2006, the FLC served as the place of worship when the fellowship hall and sanctuary had an unfortunate meeting with a wayward log truck. Damage was considerable but was repaired in about six months.
A more detailed history of our church may be found in the church library.
Paintings copyright Jack Dempsey